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1.      Has SituGen been tested?
Yes, SituGen has been successfully tested in clinical trials showing impressive results.

2.      Have tests shown its efficiency?
Definitely yes, we have managed to extract over 81% more stem cells when using SituGen.

3.      When exactly does the Cord Blood collection take place and can it in any way, effect or harm my baby?
The Cord Blood collection takes place immediately after birth and no way can it harm your baby.

4.      How long does preserved cord blood last?
Cord blood, once it is in its permanent storage state, can last for many years. Research on specimens of Cord Blood stored for 24 years has shown that there were no signs of deterioration found in the blood. As cord blood storage of Bone Marrow Stem Cells has a short history of around 44 years over this time period stored blood has shown no signs of deterioration.

5.      Can cord blood be used for any member of the family?
Definitely, it obviously depends on the Genetic match, but with family and relatives the chances are higher.

6.      What is cord blood?
Cord Blood is the remaining blood in the Umbilical cord and it is rich with Stem Cells that are essential for modern medicine.

7.      What are Stem Cells and what do they do?
Stem Cells are the foundation for our blood and immune system. They produce all our basic body cells.

8.      Are Cord Blood stem cells different from other stem cells?
Stem Cells are found in four places – Bone Marrow, Blood System, Cord Blood, and Embryos. Cord Blood is simply a rich and non-invasive origin for Stem Cell collection.  

9.      How and where are Stem Cells preserved?
Stem Cells are preserved in blood banks where they are kept in Cryogenic vials or special bags preserved in liquid nitrogen (-196 degrees centigrade).

10.  What is the importance of Cord Blood?
The importance of Cord blood and stem cell collection is its essential medical use. By using Stem Cells, there is a higher percent of matching blood or organ donors to those in need of a transplant. Collecting Cord Blood is a non-invasive procedure significantly enhancing the quality and volume of stem cells.

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